Insert Radio Streaming at My Website
I like to listen radio from other country or region in the world. I interested to Insert flash radio streaming at my website. So, I can listen my favorite radio streaming from my website. After searching in internet and view source code from other radio streaming site, I get code to Insert radio streaming at my website. This is a code to Insert radio streaming at my website.
<embed id="streambaby" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="300" height="60" src="" quality="high" allowfullscreen="false" wmode="transparent" flashvars="type=mp3&file=;stream.nsv&autostart=false" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" name="streambaby"></embed>
This is description from above code :
embed id=”streambaby” type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” : we embeded flash player at our webiste
width=”300″ height=”60″ : flash player we embeded have size width 300 and height 60
src=”” : I dont have flash player widget, so I try to get flash player from this address. You can change this if you have a flash player widget (player with play, stop, pause button).
quality=”high” allowfullscreen=”false” wmode=”transparent” : setting flash player.
flashvars=”type=mp3&file= : type radion online is mp3, and I try to play radio online from this address (change this with your favorite radio online).
Copy this code and paste at your website editor. Change file= with your radio streaming address. You can change autostart=false with true if you want radio streaming playing when your website opened. This is output from code above.
You can change other option from that code so you get an optimal flash display radio streaming for your website.
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Thank you for visiting my site. I want to share about what I know to other. Maybe in next time I add advertisement in my site 🙂
Tell me something about the functionality of this flash radio streaming module please:
I have followed your steps, but doesn’t work, when I hit PLAY button, an triangle with ‘!’ appears and nothing hears.
And the one upside this page, your example, doesn’t work either.
This error because that radio is offline. So, I change that radio address with other radio streaming. Please check again
I forgot to thank you… so thanks! 🙂
thank you for visiting my site 🙂
Glad I’ve fanilly found something I agree with!