Virtualbox Cannot register the hardisk

Virtualbox Cannot register the hard disk

I get this error when try to clonning hard disk Virtualbox. I use copy-paste method in vdi Virtualbox disk image. I try to running this clonning hard disk Virtualbox and get this Virtualbox Cannot register the hard disk error message. This is a window error message from Virtualbox :

virtualbox cannot register the hard disk
virtualbox cannot register the hard disk

This error happens because from copy paste Virtualbox vdi file, this process dont change UIID file. So, when we try to load this two vdi file with same UIID, Virtualbox will show this error.

We can solve this Virtualbox Cannot register the hard disk probem with Virtualbox command line. Use this command (You can use this command  in Windows or Linux):

toto@toto-laptop$ VBoxManage internalcommands sethduuid xp3.vdi
UUID changed to: e9d029f5-b234-476b-8075-9abf312a396e

If you use Windows, you can call this with command line at Virtualbox installed directory. With this command, we can automatic change UUID vdi file to remove error message Virtualbox Cannot register the hard disk.

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