Author: totosugito

Cubic Spline CSplineA

Spline is a sufficiently smooth polynomial function that is piecewise-defined, and possesses a high degree of smoothness at the places where the polynomial pieces connect (wikipedia). There is some of method to get Spline graphics. The most commonly used splines are cubic spline, B-Spline, Spline interpolation, etc. I get one of cubic spline method with

C How to check if a file exists

When create a program related with IO, we want to check if a file exists or not. C/C++ have a function needed to check if a file exists or not. We can use some of function in stat.h to check if a file exists. This is a simple C How to check if a file

No More Eclipse Auto Completion

No More Eclipse Auto Completion I have development in Eclipse and have a problem when creating a some of project. My Eclipse lost auto completion when typing code. I have searching in the forum and try a method like : Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Editor ->Content Assist Advanced -> Restore Defaults in order