Author: totosugito

AndLinux : Running Linux Application within Window

I use Linux and Windows as my system operation. I use virtual machine in Windows and Linux, because I dont like to restart my computer to choose my system operation. But, I try to another method without virtual machine to running Linux application within Windows. After searching in Internet, I get AndLinux. Unlike virtual machine,

Koneksi Internet Dengan Kartu AHA/CDMA

Sebenarnya cara ini sudah banyak dibahas di beberapa website. Tetapi karena saya sering lupa dan daripada harus mencari-cari lagi di google, jadi saya membuat tulisan ini. Linux yang saya pergunakan adalah Ubuntu 10.04LTS. Untuk melakukan koneksi internet dengan menggunakan modem CDMA (koneksi internet dengan kartu AHA) adalah dengan mempergunakan wvdial. Sebelumnya saat saya mempergunakan kartu

C Fast Casting Data Type

I have a problem when try to change data type form one to another in C. For example, I try to casting float data type to integer or from double to integer. In the last time, I use command (int)float_number. Because this process is slow, I try to searching about fast casting data type. We

C Create Dynamic 2D array

In my last post, I create code to create 2D array in C++. Now, I try to create dynamic 2D array in C. Algorithm to create dynamic 2D array in C or C++ is same. This is a code to create dynamic 2D array in C : float **arrayf_create(int row, int col) { int i;