Author: totosugito

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Beberapa hari ini tidak sempat mengisi website ini. Bukan karena malas atau tidak ada bahan tetapi karena sedang sakit. Sebenarnya lumayan banyak yang ingin ditulis, tetapi terhalang oleh penyakit. Sebenarnya sakitnya sakit yang tidak begitu parah. Hanya mual-mual, diare dan dilanjutkan oleh muntah-muntah. Tetapi menyebabkan badan terasa lemas dan tak berdaya. Setelah ke dokter, dianalisa

Centos5 Upgrade Mono

I Use Centos5 as my Linux system operation. Default mono-core installed in centos is mono-core-1.2.4-2.el5.centos. This version is to old and I want to install or upgrade mono. This is a method how to install or upgrade mono in Centos5. Create a new repo config file. vim /etc/yum.repos.d/mono.repo and add the following text : [Mono]

Calling Routines in Fortran Modules From C

I have a module in fortran and I want to call that module from C. I use gfortran (as Fortran compiler) and gcc (as C compiler). I want to calling routines in fortran modules from C. We can solve this problem by compile our code to object file and use gcc to compile object as

Matlab : Create Progressbar

When we process a looping function in Matlab, we can create progressbar in this function. Matlab have waitbar function. We can use this function if we want to add progressbar in my function. This is sample of picture progressbar in Matlab with function waitbar: This is example how to create progressbar in Matlab. Copy this