Author: totosugito

Matlab : Create Random Data in Range

We can create random data in Matlab with command : rand (Uniformly distributed pseudorandom numbers) randn (Normally distributed random numbers) unifrnd (Continuous uniform random numbers) random (Random numbers) If we want to create random data in range, we can use unifrnd function. Example : unifrnd (1 , 10 , [5,1]) This command will create random

Free Ubuntu Book

Are you use Ubuntu Linux? I get a best free Ubuntu book when searching in Linux Forums. This Ubuntu book give complete tutorial about Ubuntu as system operation, how to setting Ubuntu, and etc. With this book, we can give explanation why we can use Ubuntu as my system operation.This is best free Ubuntu book

C/C++ : EBCDIC to Ascii Converter

ASCII is the American Standard Code for Information Interchange, also known as ANSI X3.4. There are many variants of this standard, typically to allow different code pages for language encoding, but they all basically follow the same format. ASCII is quite elegant in the way it represents characters, and it is very easy to write