Category: C

Matrix Vandermonde Code

I am very interesting with polyfit code in Matlab. I try to convert this polyfit code in Matlab to C. When I try create code polyfit from Matlab to C, I get a function vander in Matlab. vander is Matlab function to create matrix vandermonde. After searching about matrix vandermonde, I try to create matrix

C NAN Number

Are you know how to create NAN number (Not a Number) in C? If you use Matlab, you can create NAN number by fill value variable with nan value (example : a=nan). What the the meaning of NAN number? NaN (Not a Number) is a value of the numeric data type representing an undefined or

C Fast Casting Data Type

I have a problem when try to change data type form one to another in C. For example, I try to casting float data type to integer or from double to integer. In the last time, I use command (int)float_number. Because this process is slow, I try to searching about fast casting data type. We

C Create Dynamic 2D array

In my last post, I create code to create 2D array in C++. Now, I try to create dynamic 2D array in C. Algorithm to create dynamic 2D array in C or C++ is same. This is a code to create dynamic 2D array in C : float **arrayf_create(int row, int col) { int i;