Qt : QScroolArea PaintEvent I want to create paintEvent in QScroolArea. This is a tutorial how to implement QScroolArea paintEvent method. I have confused how to create drawingEvent in the QScroolArea. So, after searching and try some of method, I create tutorial how QScroolArea implement paintEvent. This is the steps how to implemnt QScroolArea paintEvent
C/C++ : hanning Matlab Code I have converted hanning.m code from Matlab to C/C++. The hanning.m is a function in Matlab created hanning window. This is my C/C++ hanning code converted from Matlab :
Qt : Create SplashScreen This is a simple tutorial how Qt : Create SplashScreen. A splash screen is an image that appears while a game or program is loading. It may also be used to describe an introduction page on a website. Splash screens cover the entire screen or simply a rectangle near the center
How To Download Android SDK For Offline Installation I use SDK Manager.exe (Windows) and android_dir/tool/android (Linux) when download android SDK from android repository. But, the problem are my connection is slow and I can not resume when the last download is not complete. So, I am try to solve this problem with create list of