C/C++ : SEGY Merge

C/C++ : SEGY Merge In my last post, I am create a method how to merge SEGY with cat and dd command. Now, I am create a C/C++ SEGY merge code. This is the main C/C++ : SEGY Merge code : void usage() { printf("\nSEGY_MERGE \n"); printf("by toto (toto-share.com)\n\n"); printf("segy_merge segy1 segy2 segy3 ... segyn

C/C++ : LibTiff Tutorial

C/C++ : LibTiff Tutorial Libtiff is a library for reading and writing Tagged Image File Format (abbreviated TIFF) files. The set also contains command line tools for processing TIFFs. It is distributed in source code and can be found as binary builds for all kinds of platforms. The libtiff software was written by Sam Leffler