Author: totosugito

Qt QProcess Tutorial

When I use Qt, I try to used or start external program from Qt. After searching in qassistant, I get a class QProcess to used or start external program from Qt. So, I try to create Qt QProcess tutorial in my post. This my Qt QProcess tutorial is basic tutorial to use QProcess in Qt.

Install openmotif in Ubuntu

I get error when install seismic unix in Ubuntu, because I dont get file Xm/Xm.h. We can solve this problem by install openmotif in Ubuntu. But, I have problem when try to get Openmotif installer in Ubuntu. I try to use command sudo apt-cache search openmotif, but I can not get openmotif installer in Ubuntu.

C NAN Number

Are you know how to create NAN number (Not a Number) in C? If you use Matlab, you can create NAN number by fill value variable with nan value (example : a=nan). What the the meaning of NAN number? NaN (Not a Number) is a value of the numeric data type representing an undefined or

Isi Ulang Internet AHA

Sudah satu bulan ini menggunakan Internet AHA. Untuk kualitas cukup memuaskan dibandingkan beberapa merek GSM dan CDMA yang pernah saya gunakan, baik dalam urusan harga maupun kecepatan. Dari website AHA yang saya kunjungi, saya mendapatkan informasi mengenai beberapa paket yang AHA tawarkan. Beberapa Paket Internet AHA tersebut antara lain : Paket Unlimited Paket Ekonomis (Kecepatan