Author: totosugito

Insert Radio Streaming at My Website

I like to listen radio from other country or region in the world. I interested to Insert flash radio streaming at my website. So, I can listen my favorite radio streaming from my website. After searching in internet and view source code from other radio streaming site, I get code to Insert radio streaming at

KolourPaint : Microsoft Paint For Linux

I am not a professional image editing. I use Microsoft Paint to edit my photo. When I migrated to Linux, I searching software to replace Microsoft Paint to edit my photo. I Like Gimp, InkSpace and other image editor for Linux. But that editor is not simple in interface and how to use. So I

Bash Loop File or Directory by Name

This is a simple method how to list file or directory with bash programming : #!/bin/sh DIR_LOC=/home/toto for i in $DIR_LOC/* do echo "Process file $i" done If we want to filter ouput data (example : we want to filter list file with *.sh tipe data, so we can change code with : #!/bin/sh DIR_LOC=/home/toto

Add repo linux from EPEL

EPEL (Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux) is a volunteer-based community effort from the Fedora project to create a repository of high-quality add-on packages that complement the Fedora-based Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) and its compatible spinoffs, such as CentOS and Scientific Linux. As part of the Fedora packaging community, EPEL packages are 100% free/libre open