Category: C++/Qt

Qt QListView Tutorial

Qt QListView Tutorial In my last article, I am write about toturial how to use QTableView. In this tutorial, I am try to write about Qt QListView Tutorial. The QListView class provides a list or icon view onto a model. That is like with QTableView. QListView support only one column (if you get a method

C/C++ Read Binary File

C/C++ Read Binary File A binary file is a computer file which may contain any type of data, encoded in binary form for computer storage and processing purposes ( On this article, I will write about C/C++ Read Binary File. We can read binary file and write binary file with any of other data type

Qt : QProcess in a Loop

Qt : QProcess in a Loop From my last post, I create a program how to use QProcess in our program. Now, I try to write a method how Qt : QProcess in a loop method. This problem show when I try to use QProcess in a loop. I have list of command line program