Category: Linux

Linux : Add user to sudo

Linux : Add user to sudo When using Ubuntu Linux, I can run root command with adding sudo before command parameter. But, when I use Centos, I can not run sudo command. I get This error when try to running sudo command : [toto@data]$ sudo toto [sudo] password for toto: toto is not in the

Ubuntu 10.04 install g77

Ubuntu 10.04 install g77 Today, I get a source code must be compile with g77. I use Ubuntu 10.04 and can not get this compiler in this Ubuntu version. After searching, I get information about g77 repository in Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy). We can install this program with repository from Ubuntu Hardy. This is a method

How to merge SEGY file

How to merge SEGY file The SEG Yfile format is one of several standards developed by the Society of Exploration Geophysicists for storing geophysical data. The official standard SEG-Y consists of the following components: a 3200-byte EBCDIC descriptive reel header record a 400-byte binary reel header record trace records consisting of a 240-byte binary trace

Virtualbox Cannot register the hardisk

Virtualbox Cannot register the hard disk I get this error when try to clonning hard disk Virtualbox. I use copy-paste method in vdi Virtualbox disk image. I try to running this clonning hard disk Virtualbox and get this Virtualbox Cannot register the hard disk error message. This is a window error message from Virtualbox :