Category: C

Matlab MEX create struct data type

I want creating MEX function in C/C++ and return struct data type to Matlab. This code can create struct data type with some of variable have int, double, string and matrix (array) data type. We need to use “mxCreateStructArray” matlab function to create struct data in C/C++ and return that struct data type to Matlab.

lapack sgetrs tutorial

I have a problem to solving system linear equation Ax=b using lapack. I am planned to use sgetrs subroutine in lapack to solving system linear equation Ax=b. sgetrs descriptions is a subroutine to Solves a system of linear equations with an LU-factored square coefficient matrix, with multiple right-hand sides. So, we need to process our

gausswin source code

I want to create gaussian window program in C/C++. I have checked at Matlab and they give gausswin function to create gaussian window. I have checked gausswin Matlab source code and convert that code to C/C++. The coefficients of a Gaussian window are computed from the following equation: where –(N – 1)/2 ≤ n ≤ (N – 1)/2 and α is inversely proportional

2D Convolution Source Code (conv2)

I have interested with 2D convolution in Matlab. You can check at Matlab with command conv2. I want to use this function in other language (C#), but can not get the source code in matlab conv2.m files. My friend (Herlan) search in the internet and get the algorithm for 2D convolution source code. This is