Year: 2013

dc: command not found

I get a seismic software software in Linux. When I try to running this software, I get the error message like this : dc: command not found . I am sure install the all requirement program, but this error dc: command not found still showed. This error message showed, because I dont have dc program.

/usr/bin/xauth: timeout in locking authority file

I am try to remote other computer using SSH with command : ssh -X alice@ but, the connected process is very slow and get the error message like this when connect to the server : /usr/bin/xauth:  timeout in locking authority file /home/alice/.Xauthority This problem showed because the SELINUX configuration. So, we need to disable this

Matlab Call Subroutine Function

This is my notes about how Matlab call subroutine. We could make them all static methods on a utility class. The functions will be globally referenceable by name, but you only need to manage one M-file. Please look at my sample code : classdef test_toto methods (Static) function [a1] = test1_toto a1 = 'test1'; end

Centos install kate

Kate is my favorite editor in Linux. Because, this editor have many of feature and konsole feature. When install the Centos 6.3, I dont get this editor in my linux. I am try to use command “yum search kate“, but dont get this program. When searching over google, I get a method how Centos install