Qt : QTableWidget Tutorial
Qt : QTableWidget Tutorial
This is a basic tutorial how to create QTableWidget, create header in QTableWidget, fill QTableWidget with value and how to implement signal and slot in QTableWidget. From this tutorial, you can create a more complex code how to implement QTableWidget in your code. Please look at sample code Qt : QTableWidget Tutorial below :
//create tablewidget iteam void basicQTableWidget::fillTableWidget() { int nrow, ncolumn; QStringList list; nrow = 10; ncolumn = 3; //set size of QTableWidget ui->tableWidget->setRowCount(nrow); ui->tableWidget->setColumnCount(ncolumn); //add header to QTableWidgetItem list<<"column 1" << "column 2" << "column 3"; ui->tableWidget->setHorizontalHeaderLabels(list); ui->tableWidget->setEditTriggers(QAbstractItemView::AllEditTriggers); //set sample item ui->QTableWidgetItem *newitem = new QTableWidgetItem("Fill Item"); ui->ui->tableWidget->setItem(0, 0, newitem); //Create Signal and slot for QTableWidget connect(ui->tableWidget, SIGNAL(cellChanged ( int, int)), this, SLOT(mycellChanged(int, int))); }
From above Qt : QTableWidget tutorial above, we can create QTableWidget header with use command setHorizontalHeaderLabels ( const QStringList &labels ). Please look at Qt Documentation. I set trigger to QTableWidget with QAbstractItemView::AllEditTriggers, this trigger will accept all trigger (clicking, double clicking, etc). I adding signal cellChanged to this QTableWidget, so when user clicking or changing value from QTableWidget, program will show message.
This is a screenshot for Qt : QTableWidget tutorial :

Please compile and running this code, and you can see how to create QTableWidget also create signal and slot in your code. You can download the complete Qt : QTableWidget tutorial above in here.